

by Monika Wegener
di Arnaldo Casa


Meet in Zürich
by Monika Wegener

Interview from March 2nd, 2007, Volkshaus, Zürich

Ciao Angelo
First of all: Thanks a lot for giving us some of your time to answer our questions.

Thanks to you.

We also could speak in german, that would be no problem for you... but maybe better to continue in italian.
Yes, much better.

Your audience from the german part of Switzerland has been waiting for you since more than 3 years now... and today you are coming back. How are you feeling?
I feel good. It is clear that the thing from today will be a bit special.
Unfortunately... ehh unfortunately it will be recitated in italian. It's only me who is talking in german.
Therefore a lot of things of the story unfortunately will not be understood. If you consider that this is a Lauda, not a concert, but a holy presentation.

But you know, in Zürich there live a lot of people talking italian.
Italians, yes I know.

So there will be no problems.
No, I don't think so.

Which do you consider to be the essential message of the Lauda?
The fact that this is such an antique and minimal presentation makes it seem to be nearly avant-garde.
It is a bit the same paradox as in Futuro Antico: the famous step backwards before making 2 steps forward.
The main subject is obviously the person of Saint Francis of Assisi. He is so famous in Italy, much less in the other countries.
Here in Italy he has also an influence, a poetical and artistical importance, because he was the first poet who was writing in the italian language and the others don't know it.
But lets say, the whole point of the story is the meeting with the sultan which is extremly modern and even if it was so important nobody in Italy knew about it, neither did I.

Nor did I.
And during that evening they made the peace.
There was a secret dinner with the sultan Melek-El-Kamel, Francis and Federico II and they signed the peace.

The concert of your new CD "Futuro Antico IV" nearly 3 weeks ago was really unique.
The fact that it was in Venice, the origin of this music and exactly during the Carneval, gave a very special aspect to it.
Will there be some more concerts with this beautiful music?

Yes, I do hope so... and not only, we are thinking of making a tour.

About this CD?
No, not only about this, but about all the 4 Futuro Antico, with this tipical renaissance orchestra.

Do you know that Ennio Morricone will give a concert in Venice on September 10th??
Yes, I knew it, yes, yes.

Will you be there?
No. I haven't been invited because he don't present the part where I play, because it is considered to be the most difficult and complicated part for the audience. At least I don't think so, I don't know it yet. I talk rather often to Ennio Morricone, last time a few days ago when the gave him the Oscar. Nobody has told me yet anything.
It could be that they call me. It depends of the repertoire if they will call me or not.

We'll see.
Yes, we'll se. I hope so.

After the concert in Venice you talked about a concert in Paris in autumn. What will it be exactly?
Yes, it will be the Lauda, in french.

People ask us often: Do you think to make a new CD „pop“?
Yes. Yes, I have a lot of music. Now I have been much on the move, because the succes of the Lauda has been unforeseen. And was not to be expected. Therefore I ended in the mixer.
But, I have a lot of music. Now I need simply to have a bit time, and now... from tomorrow on I'll have it, to start to put the ideas together…
Look: I have such a pile of music in my studio... That means I have written it down and now I have to find out which pieces of this material are suitable and which not, Which parts I have to work on, what I have to do, but I have really a lot of musical ideas, look, such a pile. Yes, let's hope. Because I don't remember anything, I have to read what came in my mind. But it is planned.

Is there a musical aim that you don't have reached yet and which would be your dream?
A lot! Conduct a symphony orchestra (in "Tristan and Isolde").
Get an Oscar, me too. I don't know, see my daughter Maddalena, who is a good violoncellist, get famous. Then I'd like to get older in a good way.
There are a lot of things. If one day there are no more hopes and aims, all will be finished.

Do you remember that concert of Bob Dylan in Madison Square Garden in New York, in october 1992?
What made it happen that you found yourself commenting it for the italien TV?

Ah… ah, yes, now I remember. Because my friend Enzo Guaitamacchi, who is a journalist, had ask me to comment that concert.
He's a very good friend, a very good journalist. But now I don't remember well because it was difficult to comment during 3 hours... I must have said certainly a lot of rubbish. But I don't remember the details because it was so long ago.

Are there musical parallels between Dylan and Branduardi?
Ohh… no. He's one of my idols. But my real big idols are two: Donovan and Cat Stevens, who is now called Yusuf. And I recommend you to listen to his new CD because in my opinion it is beautiful. So I shut my eyes and it is like it was 30 years ago, very modern. It's called „An other cup“.

Does it happen that you read the statements and dedications of your fans on your official site?
I can do it only when I'm in Bologna, because I don't have a computer.

But maybe it is worth to have a look, there are beautiful things.
No no no. There is Davide, the drummer, and Morena, who stamp them and give them to me.
This happens often and therefore I know them, it's just because I'm not so good in handling a computer, unfortunately.
But I know that there are a lot of beautiful things.

At the end I'm bringing you the greetings from all branduardi-ans, from Michelangelo from Sorrento and from Sandra from europamici and from all who like you.
I like you all, too!

Now I'm waiting with pleasure for the "La Lauda di Francesco" and wish you all the best.
Thanks a lot for having given us these moments of your time... e buon concerto!

Thank you… and now I'm studying a bit of german: „Ich bin der Troubadour…“

Monika Wegener, for the Branduardi-ans e europAMICI




La Lauda di Francesco

by Arnaldo Casali


Unusual is the meeting between Angelo Branduardi and Francis of Assisi: the singer-songwriter more “medieval” of  Italian Song and the more “modern” Saint of the medieval. An inevitable meeting for some verses, for others almost improbable, but that has surely given interesting fruits on artistic an plan: from the album L’infinitamente piccolo, that Branduardi has devoted to the Saint of Umbria on the occasion of the Jubilee, to the musical “La lauda di francesco” which that same album the Lombard minstrel has drawn from, and one year since then he has toured around with in Europe.


And it is really an essay of the “Lauda”, that Angelo Branduardi has introduced to Terni Saturday 9th October, guest of the ending of the festival “Inedito per Maria”. A very limited essay because of time and space (three ballets only, sung in playback) that have made relish again the atmospheres of three masterpieces of the album: “Il sultano di Babilonia e la prostituta” (recorded with Battiato and with the Piccolal Orchestra La Viola that won three years ago “Inediti per Maria”), “Il lupo di Gubbio” and the inevitable one “Cantico delle Creature.” 


“We have to clarify immediately a thing. The idea of this album has not been mine. Six years ago  two Franciscan monks came to me and asked me to write an album based on the Franciscan Sources. In reality initially I did not accept. First of all because I didn't like the idea of a similar project. The Church has expressed for 500 years the most sublime music that has been written, and today all is reduced to a setting beat that, frankly I really don't like. Luckily now there is Ratzinger, that loves Bach.”


How have the monks convinced you to accept?


“I asked them: why did you come to ask me such a thing, I am a great sinner (like everybody, on the other hand)? And they answered: "you see, God for great works, always chooses  the worse men! This was how they convinced me.”


In reality to Francis you had already dedicated a song in 1971. A song that has been unpublished up to this year, when it was published in the “Platinum collection.”


“My first approach with Francis has been casual, because I was boy, while the other approach was requested of me. But it is a story long  thirty years, and it would take a life to tell it.”


In that song there is a very meaningful passage, in which you define Francis “holy and happy man”. The holiness has hardly been associated in the Catholic world to the happiness and the fullness of life.


“Yes, above all in those times the saints were not very cheerful figures. Joy, is instead the true base of the franciscanism. Just think about the sermon of the “Perfect Joy.”


Why have you chosen to call the album “L’infinitamente piccolo?”


“The infinitely small is an intuition that has been attributed to Francis by many, and also from me, after I have read all the sources. If you take a piece of paper and divide it to half and then again to half and then again at half, in theory it never ends becoming even smaller pieces. It is a revolutionary theory, that inhibits every possible involvement and different belief. The endless one is no longer out of us , but it is inside of us. It doesn't explode, but implode. The world, the cosmos, the eternity are not out of us, but inside of us. This is a total revolution imagined eight hundred years ago, that then in the 20th century incredibly became the base of the physical quantum.”


The Official Site of the Lauda